GDEC Grant Scholarship

Georgia Driver’s Education Commission offers the Georgia Driver’s Education Grant Scholarship Program to offer driver’s education to Georgia students. The grant scholarship program is open to Georgia residents ages fifteen through seventeen who wish to satisfy the Joshua’s Law driver’s education requirement by completing thirty hours of classroom instruction and six hours of behind the wheel driving instruction with an approved instructor. First priority will be given to grant scholarship applicants who are a child or dependent of a public safety professional or member of the United States military killed in the line of duty. Second priority will be given to scholarship applicants who can demonstrate a need based on family income. Third priority will be given to all applicants who do not meet the criteria set forth in the first priority and second priority outlined above. Grant scholarship allocations are evenly distributed among Georgia’s United States congressional districts.

    1. Apply for Grant Scholarship
    2. Register on Collins Driving School website
    3. Look for redemption code 1st of Month and contact Collins Driving School

Important: Once you have received your Redemption Code please visit website or 404-968-9825 to be enrolled in an upcoming class. Redemption codes can expire once received act quickly, so call today!